-Why do we have resident Canada geese?
Resident geese numbers have risen because of differing factors, the first being their protection under federal law. Action by environmentalists has successfully restored the population of these beautiful birds, so much so that New York now has a large population of resident geese along with the migratory flocks.
-What methods can be used to alleviate our goose problem?
There are several other ways to deal with geese but they are not as effective as Border Collies. We sometimes recommend using some of these techniques in conjunction with our services. Scare devices such as flags, mylar tape and balloons alone do not work, as the geese quickly learn that they cause no harm. The Border Collies on the other hand, are viewed as predators. Noisemakers and pop guns can be helpful if not overused, again in conjunction with dogs. Turf chemicals need to be reapplied after rain or watering and can be very costly in larger areas.
-How much does your service cost?
Pricing varies on an individual site basis taking into account the complexity of the property layout (location, accessibility, size), the amount of water available (number and size of lakes, ponds, streams, etc.) and the number of resident geese.